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Saule Omarova

Anonymous 11/20/21 (Sat) 03:07:20 c49264 (5) No.15042040

So the Chinese are notorious for playing currency manipulation games and here is Biden trying to put a Russian born Chinese person who wrote a thesis on Marxism into a position that enables them to manipulate the currency. ARE YOU STARTING TO SEE WHATS GOING ON HERE?? CCP PUPPET REGIME


Q Research General #19019: Only (You) Can Prevent Dumpster Fires Edition

>>15033026 Saule omarova wants to END private banking, bankrupt oil & gas companies and won't let the Senate read her thesis on Karl Marx's economic policies. The fact that Biden would even CONSIDER this woman to oversee our banking system is complete insanity. 10:24 AM Nov 18, 2021


College Thesis Moscow University: Karl Marx Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in the Capitol


Q Research General #19014: Day 13 of Kyle's Trial

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) presses Biden's pick for currency comptroller Saule Omarova: "you used to be a member of a group called The Young Communists." "I don't know whether to call you professor or comrade."


Communist group calling for a revolution over the self defense death of a pedophile and a felon. They even label them heroes.

From their website

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