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Presidential Proclamation on Marijuana Possession

President Biden issued a presidential proclamation that pardons federal convictions for simple marijuana possession offenses. Likely the first step in a series. Democrats love to dangle carrots in the weeks leading up to election. Many states now considering reform.

Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 14:33 Id: 0bf1ab (11) No.33462

Office of the Pardon Attorney

On October 6, 2022, President Biden issued a presidential proclamation that pardons federal convictions for simple marijuana possession offenses. The proclamation applies only to federal convictions, including D.C. Code offenses, and does not apply to convictions under state or local law.


The lead writer for reached out recently via email to bring a related post of theirs to my attention, warning of potential ulterior motives to identify and restrict firearm ownership.

-For those who use medical marijuana and wish to protect themselves with firearms, there is a choice: you can keep your guns,can keep your grass, or you can break the law.


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