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President Zelensky tells U.S. Congress that Ukraine needs the fighter planes, now.

Ukrainian President Speaks With U.S. Congress

Pelosi shrieks Viva la Ukraina

Zelensky tells west to send him weapons

Calls for no fly zone over Ukraine


Anonymous 03/16/22 (Wed) 09:28:19 c75c20 (5) No.15874564

President Zelensky tells U.S. Congress that Ukraine needs the fighter planes, now. "You know that that they exist, you know you have them. But they are on the ground, not in the Ukrainian sky, not defending the Ukrainian people." cc: @POTUS @JoeBiden Zelensky calls on US Congress to give Ukraine more weapons, impose sanctions on all Russian politicians, for all US companies to exit Russia and for all Russian imports to be banned. "It is true, in the darkest time for our country, for all of Europe, I call on you to do more."


Anonymous 03/16/22 (Wed) 10:21:43 318ec0 (12) No.15874889

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