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Patriot Games Ep 5: Communist infiltration

Patriot Games Episode 5

Communist Infiltration

J.R. (Jeff) Nyquist joins us on Patriot Games to discuss the stark realities of communist infiltration in America. Jeff is an expert in geo-political affairs, communism, and the Russia/China cabal.

>From email

Friends: Some of Episode 5 may be hard to swallow. J.R. (Jeff) Nyquist joins us on Patriot Games to discuss the stark realities of communist infiltration in America. Jeff is an expert in geo-political affairs, communism, and the Russia/China cabal. Jeff has been a columnist for WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, and Financial Sense Online. He is the author of "Origins of the Fourth World War," "The Fool and His Enemy," as well as co-author of "The New Tactics of Global War." As always, thank you for your support. For freedom, Gregg

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