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NYT Makes the Case For Normies to Learn Personal OPSEC

We are anonymous for a reason. The enemy seeks to destroy us.

Anonymous 02/06/21 (Sat) 02:12:32 d8962f (1) No.12838437

GLOWIES JUST DOXXED EVERYONE AT CAPITOL JAN 6TH somebody leaked cellphone surveillance data to NYT for thousands and thousands of ppl in DC on Jan. 6th "We were quickly able to match more than 2,000 supposedly anonymous devices in the data set with email addresses, birthdays, ethnicities, ages and more."


//There are other images associated with this post that were not included. Thou shall not bear false witness. Feel free to click the number link and explore the boards//

Anonymous 02/06/21 (Sat) 02:49:05 90af7b (21) No.12838615

>>12838437 You mean like they did with antifa? Cause this data flow is 100% Antifa command structure.


4385 was also posted again as post 8395



The Post Number 12 is referencing.

Enjoy the show!

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