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Nikki Haley loses to 'None of these candidates' in the Nevada GOP primary

Nikki Haley faced no major challenger Tuesday in Nevada’s presidential primary.

She still lost

Anonymous (You)  02/07/24 (Wed) 00:25:05 f3d2e6 (4) No.20370828

A bad night for Nikki Haley. Losing by almost 30 points in Nevada to “None of These Candidates.” Watch, she’ll soon claim Victory!


Anonymous  02/07/24 (Wed) 00:08:39 810a17 (7) No.20370757


Nikki Haley loses to 'none of these candidates' in the Nevada GOP primary

NBC News projects that more voters chose not to pick a candidate at all than back Haley. Trump was not on the ballot, since he's participating in Thursday's caucus instead.

Nikki Haley faced no major challenger Tuesday in Nevada’s presidential primary.

She still lost, according to NBC News projections.

Nevada voters in the state-run primary had a choice to reject all the candidates on the ballot, and they did just that --- with more people choosing to vote for “none of these candidates” than for Haley.


 Anonymous  02/07/24 (Wed) 01:22:25 70bd28 (58) No.20370974

South Carolina GOP boss expects Trump to have 4-0 record after his state's primary, cautions Haley


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