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Judge won’t give Trump permission to make his own closing argument at NY fraud trial



Anonymous  01/11/24 (Thu) 15:28:12  80f508 (41) No.20226861

Trump attorney and spokesperson Alina Habba delivers perfect defense of President Trump while simultaneously exposing NY AG Leticia James' political witchhunt in 60 seconds


Anonymous  01/11/24 (Thu) 11:12:50 12618f (6) No.20225522

Judge won’t give Trump permission to make his own closing argument at NY fraud trial

Former President Trump will not be allowed to make his own closing argument in his New York civil fraud trial after his lawyers refused to guarantee he would stick to matters “relevant” to the case.

A day before scheduled closing arguments, Judge Arthur Engoron told Trump’s legal team that the former president will not speak in court.

An email exchange between Engoron and Trump’s lawyers posted to the case’s docket showed a testy back-and-forth over the types of comments Trump would be allowed to make.

>words matter


Judge won’t give Trump permission to make his own closing argument at NY fraud trial

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