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Fireworks. - (CNN) Moscow fireworks mask Russia's collision course with the West

Anonymous 02/23/22 (Wed) 18:36:07 6c9716 (18) No.15703221

Moscow fireworks mask Russia's collision course with the West

Analysis by Nathan Hodge, CNN Updated 5:25 PM ET, Wed February 23, 2022


Anonymous 02/23/22 (Wed) 18:37:41 6c9716 (18) No.15703230

>Moscow fireworks mask Russia's collision course with the West

There were fireworks in the skies over Moscow Wednesday night, but not for the reasons one might expect.

February 23 marks Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia, a holiday that officially honors those who have served in Russia's armed forces, but in practice is known as День мужчин, or Men's Day – a sort of Valentine's Day for dudes.

So the fireworks were not in celebration of Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to recognize the sovereignty of two breakaway statelets in eastern Ukraine, the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics – and the Russian government's declared aim to send troops to the separatist-held regions.



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