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Dan Scavino - "If"

Anonymous (You) 07/13/22 (Wed) 23:00:54 88a992 (3) No.16727653



Anonymous (You) 07/13/22 (Wed) 23:04:30 88a992 (5) No.16727674

>>16727653 (You) 22:55 points to 643 >Narrative Shift >Nation on Alert




2018 Notable - President Trump took [RR] on Marine one to Florida to attend International Association of Chiefs of Police annual convention in Orlando -

>“The press wants to know: What did you talk about?” Trump said at the outset of a speech to the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual convention in Orlando as he thanked Rosenstein for being there. “We had a good talk.”

Trump and Rosenstein were scheduled to meet late last month following reports that Rosenstein wanted to wiretap the president early in his tenure. But Trump postponed the meeting amid an all-consuming confirmation process for Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

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