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15 Million Mail Ballots Unaccounted For in 2020 Election

The president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) told Breitbart News Washington political editor Matt Boyle on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that 15 million mail ballots were unaccounted for in the 2020 presidential election.

“This is the worst way to run an election, what they did in 2020,” J. Christian Adams, president of PILF, told host Boyle in an interview: “The Election Assistance Commission, which is a federal agency … puts out a report every two years. … One of the things it has … is the number of mail ballots that were sent out, the number of mail ballots that came back, and the number of mail ballots that were straight-up rejected, meaning the election officials said there was a defect.”

“This is not data that we are speculating about,” he added. “This is federal data, and that’s where we get the 15 million number. Fifteen million ballots were sent in the mail last year that never ever came back and were counted

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