>China could make a move on Taiwan after Olympics
>Russia could move on Ukraine
>Vindman phonecall hoax
>board crises more important than the inflation
>includes billions of dolars of drugs coming over
>will take a long time to fix, but inflation could be done easily by taking control of energy crisis
>energy costs are so high we're going back to OPEC
>and we're going to Russia to ask for energy for the East coast USA can you believe that
>New England which is liberal has the highest energy crisis in the nation and they buy from Russia
>we didnt need anybodys energy when I was there , we made our own and it was very inexpensive
>strategic reserves drained to try and reduce oil prices thats not what they're for
>I've never had better poll numbers never had more support in the party or outside it and the reason is our country is going to Hell
>the whole thing started with china and the china virus
>goes along with covid hoax but doesnt push vax
>says no forced vax and pushes therapeutics
>they were staging a coup against Trump
>they hit us with phony investigations still continuing always continuing
>Pelosi turned down the troops on J6
>Dems are trying to reverse law that VP can call bullshit on fraudulent election but they said at the time that was illegal or something
>J^ prisoners being treated horribly
>Trump "would absolutely give them a pardon"
>these people are in jail in a horribl disgusting dirty jail and must of them are not guilty
>even the courts which are far left are mad about it
>he's "going back in" to presidency absolutely
>we're gonna MAGAA
>they gave $85 Billion worth of equi-pment handed it to the Taliban the enemy and then they had a parade saying what a stupid country America is
>they have a parade showing off 70,000 trucks 700k machine guns and other weapons, nightgoggles right out of the box it was better than what we have, planes tanks everything.
>his book because people needed something to feel better
>it's delayed because supply shortages in Biden economy