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Ghislaine Tries to Get Her Hands on Epstein Victim Settlement Files

Anonymous 11/19/21 (Fri) 15:01:04 af37af (1) No.15036870

Friendly reminder: Ghislaine Maxwell's trial starts November 29th. Watch for the continued push for pedophilia to be de-stigmatized and de-criminalized in an attempt to undermine the severity of the trial.


Anonymous 11/19/21 (Fri) 15:27:17 346647 (8) No.15037200

Ghislaine Maxwell Jury Selection Starts with Questions from Judge Alison Nathan


Anonymous 11/19/21 (Fri) 14:11:21 5b9fe4 (2) No.15036242

Ghislaine Maxwell laughs, hugs, blows kisses in court amid jury selection for sex-trafficking trial

Alison Nathan, a federal judge for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, by late morning Thursday had questioned more than 80 jurors about their lives, personal views and knowledge of Maxwell and Epstein. The judge has narrowed the pool down to 58 people and will choose 12 jurors and six alternates on November 29. On Thursday, Nathan dismissed an unidentified middle-aged man from jury duty because he had met Epstein years ago while working in the finance industry. The middle-aged man said he works as an arbitrator and that a colleague setting up an investment fund introduced him to Epstein. ‘Epstein was an investor in it,’ the man told Nathan. ‘He was one of the larger investors.’ The judge also dismissed a female juror who said she was not sure she could be completely impartial considering what she had heard about the case. ‘I believe the defendant shouldn’t be judged based on Mr Epstein’s actions,’ she said. Maxwell’s trial is expected to run six weeks.


Anonymous 11/19/21 (Fri) 15:55:59 dfbf0c (2) No.15037538

In recent court filings, Maxwell’s attorneys again referred to the compensation program when impugning future testimony from Minor Victim 4. They asked Judge Alison Nathan to prohibit evidence on the victim’s identification of Maxwell in a photo array in June 2021. “It was not until 2020, after making a multi-million dollar claim to the Epstein Victim Compensation fund, that [federal prosecutors] interviewed and then in 2021 showed her photos—the majority of which were men or women much younger than Ms. Maxwell,” Maxwell’s lawyers argued last month. “Of course, no one thought to ask if her lawyers had shown her photos of Ms. Maxwell as part of her multi-million-dollar request or if she had seen any of the many photographs displayed on the internet of Ms. Maxwell,” they added. Last December, Maxwell’s camp lashed out at Farmer and asked a judge not to dismiss her civil suit against Maxwell and Epstein’s estate until she disclosed her settlement offer from the Epstein Victims’ Compensation Program.

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