Surprised that no outlet is speaking of the fact that in feb 2020 the US worked our their exit strategy deal with the Taliban, not the government of Afghanistan. The Taliban takeover was a foregone conclusion.
@RealGenFlynn, [20.08.21 18:37]
Local Action truly has a National Impact:
“Tactical-level information is laden with strategic significance.”
UncoverDC journalist WendI Strauch Mahoney captures the essence of local action!
@RealGenFlynn, [20.08.21 18:37]
A Jan. 2010 report called “Fixing Intel:A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan” written by Gen. Michael Flynn, Captain Matt Pottinger, and Paul Batchelor may well be a useful blueprint to combat the tightening stranglehold being felt by many communities across America. It is also, in its own right, a remarkable analysis of some of the reasons we failed in Afghanistan.
When court martial begin….don’t forget to charge contractors Big reason for Afghanistan fuck up When court martial begin….don’t forget to charge contractors Big reason for Afghanistan f*** up
HU-MILLEY-ATION: Biden and team's Afghan withdrawal is a complete and total disaster - "When the dust settles on the Afghan desert, these people who have failed us - should all be fired and court-martialed," @EricBolling.
Boris Johnson says 'working with Taliban' will happen if necessary