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Do Not Give Up or Concede

Anonymous 09/22/21 (Wed) 12:24:40 b32b86 (8) No.14637064

11:48 Liz Harrington @realLizUSA NEW! “The only powerful tool that Republicans have to negotiate with is the Debt Ceiling, and they would be both foolish and unpatriotic not to use it now. The way I look at it, what the Democrats are proposing, on so many different levels, will destroy our Country. Therefore, Republicans have no choice but to do what they have to do, and the Democrats will have no choice but to concede all of the horror they are trying to inflict upon the future of the United States. Unrelated, but likewise, their so-called “Voting Rights Bill” will be the end of our Democracy. Don’t give up or concede, Republicans, this is the ultimate representation of the People!” - President Donald J. Trump 11:48 AM · Sep 22, 2021·Twitter for Android

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