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Chandler, AZ To Test Cell Phone Voting

Anonymous 08/31/21 (Tue) 21:44:23 a346c1 (5) No.14500633

Chandler, AZ To Test Cell Phone Voting – Resident: “It’s Concerning To EVERYBODY” – AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers: “NO” Chandler, Arizona is planning to test voting by cell phone. The Chandler Mayor and City Council are moving forward with a mobile voting program that would allow voting by cell phone. A Chandler resident told The Gateway Pundit “It’s concerning to everybody. A lot of us have concerns about the security of an election over the phone. We don’t really wanna be a test kitchen nationwide especially with the disaster of the last election.“ Fox10 reported: CHANDLER, Ariz. – The city of Chandler is considering allowing residents to vote by cell phone. City council members approved a pilot program on Aug. 26 that would look into utilizing block-chain technology as a secure form of voting from anywhere that would allow more participation in election. “This pilot program will help us identify the feasibility and interest of using this technology in future City elections, and Council believes this could enhance accessibility, increase voter participation and streamline the election process,” according to Mayor Kevin Hartke. The concept would first be tested in a mock election later this year for a three-week period after the city’s bond election on Nov. 2. State law prohibits voting by phone, so the Arizona Legislature would have to act to make this a reality on a larger scale. One Arizona Legislator has already given a simple “No”.


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