
Apr 21, 2023


Personal thread.

I have considered writing this post for years now, seemingly every time I start it, I find my subconscious saying "not yet". This time it's different.

I knew when I started this project I would not be able to continue it alone forever. I have attempted to encourage others to participate here with the goal of pushing more anons towards the research boards. I have recently become inundated with surprising out reach from former battle buddies that I served with, during my enlistment over a decade ago. For some reason after years of little to no contact I have been requested to help old friends, former subordinates (veterans), with personal situations regarding homelessness, alcohol abuse, and mental health. I'm not a professional in that regard but I understand their struggles first hand. I understand why they struggle, I know what I have done to push through those issues myself, how to navigate the VA system and where I find my will to stand and fight as a civilian on the outside.

My efforts here have not been sanctioned or approved by any authority, but Qnotables has been a notable aggregator on /QR/ for nearly 4 years. I assume that all the 3 letter agencies are aware of my actions and my refusal to lay down regardless of the repercussions, There really is no other option but to fight back. We are entering a time of great turmoil, the storm is here and will likely be here for some time. I pray that any wrong doing on my part will be offset by the realization of the entirety of my work. I am announcing the end of my archival process for this offsite research project, with the caveat that I will never quit. I will back down and I will never accept defeat. I will not be an absentee landlord. I will not go back to sleep and I will not give an inch when it comes to the infringement of my personal rights and liberties as given to me by my Creator and the Constitution of the United States of America. This site will remain updated and efforts be made to modernize and improve functionality for as long as I am capable.

Long term visitors here may know that my wife and I have 3 children. Efforts here were done to ensure that their generations world is better off and more equipped to understand and fight back against the co-opted clown world that we were born into. Nearly 4 years ago I traveled to Washington DC on the 4th of July to hold a giant sign to draw attention to the Q movement. My son was born 9 months later, he turned 3 a few months ago. My oldest was 5 when I started here and is now 10 years old. I have sacrificed thousands of hours putting this resource together and many more pushing information into controlled echo chambers. It takes all of us pushing their veil of distortion back for those without eyes to see or ears to hear to realize the reality right in front of them. We are all in this together.

I am looking toward the future of my own destiny and the security of my family, and how to affect change more proactively to benefit all of humanity. Efforts here are time consuming and seemingly everything I do to push awareness of this resource does not effect the change I seek, although what has already been archived is enough to understand the infiltration and subversion of our Constitution. Studies in the formation of a non-profit organization for the benefit of veterans and service members is underway.

I returned home from service nearly 14 years ago and have watched horrified, as our nation largely ignored an epidemic of veteran suicides and the unknown amount of longer term negligent destructive actions taken in route to that avoidable conclusion. Lives ruined, families broken, and children without parents. I sought to understand the root causation of my own issues and recognized many hurdles that stand in the way to seeking the freedom and prosperity that we fight for.

Tonight I was given the opportunity to intercede and help one of my own soldiers that I hadn't spoken to in 10 years, it meant a lot that they sought me out specifically. While speaking with him for over 2 hours, I found out he and supposedly some others were under the impression that I disliked and was ignoring all of them. In reality their primary choice of communication was Facebook, a place that silenced me for over 2 years ago for re-posting notables, much like I do here.

Notable threads are active, the boards are active, and my efforts are going to shift from here and there, to there and everywhere else. I will still post on occasion, but needed to supplement the 4 years of consistent manual archival work with the realization that this is a manually curated resource and my time is better allocated elsewhere for the purposes of furthering The Great Awakening. Stand by for updates.

- Enjoy the show!
