
Dec 6, 2020

President Trump Valdosta, GA Rally 12-5-2020

Full Rally At Bottom

Melania Comms

Crowd Demands Their Representatives Fight For Trump!

Somewhere theres going to be a Champion that is going to do whats right.

“I am thrilled to be back in Georgia, w/1,000’s of proud, hardworking American Patriots! We are gathered together to ensure that @sendavidperdue & @KLoeffler WIN the most important Congressional runoff in American History. At stake in this election is control of the Senate!” -DJT

Anons were having fun with the memes on the board. Comms for "The Pickle Factory" maybe?

-We have Thousands of Affidavits! -Residency Verification / Voter ID / Citizenship Verification.


-Shocking video - Caught in the Act. - Elections Board member Dr Kathleen Ruth in zoom call with Elections Chief (#LOCKHIMUP)

- (just a plug for video, seems solid at first glance but do a lot of them . Recent Sidney Powell interview Im checking out next, Not one of my regular sources)

Tried to find OAN source vid - Unsuccessful

Mathematical Impossibilities

President Donald Trump: We say MERRY CHRISTMAS proudly again!

First Lady Melania Trump in Georgia: "We must keep our seats in the Senate."

"Do not let you voices be silenced."

Full Rally
