
Mar 6, 2022

President Trump statement on Former AG Bill Barr

Anonymous 03/05/22 (Sat) 19:32:43 0b2b16 (7) No.15793233

President Donald J. Trump: “Former Attorney General Bill Barr wouldn’t know voter fraud if it was staring him in the face—and it was. The fact is, he was weak, ineffective, and totally scared of being impeached, which the Democrats were constantly threatening to do. They “broke” him. He should have acted much faster on the Mueller Report, instead of allowing the fake Russia, Russia, Russia, Hoax to linger for so long, but it was the Election Fraud and Irregularities that he refused to act on because he wanted to save his own hide—and he did. He never got impeached, contempt charges never went forward, and the Democrats were very happy with him—but I wasn’t. The Unselect Committee of Political Hacks continues to spin its wheels in trying to fabricate a narrative that doesn’t exist. The only thing they refuse to look into is the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election.”
