
Nov 28, 2021

Post Thanksgiving Weekend Recap

I took a bit of a family break this Thanksgiving weekend. There were two big comms post that I did catch. I kind of skimped on the news coverage due to time constraints but was happy to find those two. Obviously there's a new variant of COVID now, big surprise. I have quite a few files but Ill be back to work catching up sometime tomorrow.

The below isn't necessarily for my regular visitors. In fact I would personally call it a slide but this has been weighing on me a bit... I have told many family and friends in the past about what I am doing here. I have told many about this site face to face, warned them of events and happenings. Some religious friends I have discussed the possibility and realities of end-times prophecy with trying to get , and some of my apolitical friends, who I couldn't bare to lay the weight of the world in their laps, have no idea what I do here, they do know what I stand for though. I write it for my personal friends and family that still love and care for me even though I am deeply flawed. None of those I have told about this site, fully understand the scale of what I have attempted to cover. I don't know that many will ever fully understand what is currently taking place even with anons help . Use this to get a glimpse into who I am. I can be fairly reclusive even in plain sight. Its an attempt at me becoming more comfortable at opening up to those around me and speaking my mind more clearly.

My 2021 Thanksgiving AAR

Thanksgiving traditions were in a bit of disarray this year. All 3 were somewhat awkward. The first, was an early dinner with--- my wife's, step-grandfathers, daughter from another marriages husbands family and my wife's family too. The host was an active 20ish year LEO in one of the notable hot spots for the 2020 riots. I was actually tipping him off during the riots while he was on the ground for a bit. (Thanks live streamers) I actually personally went to intercede in one of the counter protest that followed to warn participants of potential bad actors infiltrating, then came home and pointed them out primarily because it was 2A in nature and could have gotten ugly very quickly (covered in a prior post). Anyways, within the last year they had fled their home that they loved, in the 'gentrified' part of the city and moved a good 15 miles out to the middle of nowhere. "Because we had to get the fuck out" is what his wife told me. I didn't talk to them much, they were busy hosting and I had three kids to keep me busy. The supply chain and inflation did come up at one point but unfortunately no one seemed to acknowledge my joke about us speaking Chinese next year if we don't get out shit together soon. My delivery is can be pretty bad though.

The second dinner was odd in that my sister who lives a few hours away wasn't able to visit this year. I'm going to get a little bit off topic here but she and her husband are expecting their first baby very soon and decided travel wasn't a good idea with everything going on. Shes also already opted out of the annual Christmas get together and they also denied our offer to visit them when the baby is born and do a quick, quiet, Christmas dinner with them, when they get settled with the new baby. They are a few hours away though, no big deal I guess.

Recently though, in a phone call she said "you lost, Q", in jest at my pick for her baby shower due date guess game. My wife and I hosted it at our house for her 'back home' friends. I picked 11/11 and wrote WWG1WGA on it for my future nephew should she save it or include a photo of it in an album for him and I threw $20 in the pot. Maybe it was inappropriate, I don't know. Shes is a lost liberal who shared a semi conservative upbringing with myself. A semi normal early childhood that was torn apart by lies, deceit and borderline psychological abuse at the worst of times. Our situation moving into adulthood was chaotic. As I left at 18 years old searching for a better life in the military, she left to be brainwashed by a liberal college and I suspect is currently entranced by a corrupt teachers union.

I have been trying to wake her and her husband up since they started on their journey in marriage, I assume I always came across as the fucked up veteran that would sometimes just start talking about 'that crazy stuff again'. She started giving me shit about our choice to home school our children during the 2020-2021 school year. The choice to home school for us was a no brainer. It was made initially to protect our children from the psychological trauma they were putting these kids through with mask mandates, plus I about lost it when my daughter got off the bus one day, and she asked me why I liked George Washington, when her teacher told her that he was a bad man because he owned slaves, who knew what other BS they fed my kids. It seemed we were not immune to liberal indoctrination even in a semi-rural school district.

It also lined up with the arrival of our third child in early 2020 as the lock downs started. My wife was already home on maternity leave. We sat down and did the math and I felt confident we could make it work for a while at the very least. She quit and has become a stay at home mom and home school teacher to our 3 children for the last 2 years. I got her started working from home and is learning the online gig economy, slowly but surely, to help supplement our families income.

In response to some comments my sister made directly to my children, I was required to force fed her some red pills she wasn't quite ready for, and then unfortunately soon after, I hurt our relationship even further by defending my wife, from one of my brother-in-laws friends, who tried to insult my wife's intelligence for posting a conservative meme on the internet. I proceeded to embarrassed that man with a mountain of data and screenshot of his comment superimposed on a Chinese flag and told him to frame it for his kids. He responded with threats of violence that I was only told about when my sister informed me of my misconduct. My sister is aware of this site, Ive told her I operate it, I don't know if shes even been here or believes anything I say or not, Ive asked her to read it and learn. I think shes starting to become aware on some level of the crisis that stands before us, but I know she is wholly unprepared for the realities of the coming storm. She is in a very vulnerable position as a new mother, and I pray for her.

Back to Thanksgiving. My grandmother, who has been in a nursing home locked up for the last 2 years, was allowed to visit my uncles home. This is her first time leaving the facility to be with family in over a year. All she did was complain about being away the whole time. I just attempted to be accommodating and get her face time with her great grandchildren, it was the only thing that seemed to make her smile. A little backstory, the middle of this month, I had surgery to repair a tear in a rotator cuff muscle due to an injury that had happened a few months prior. I was prescribed hydrocodone to help with the post-op pain. I was taking it only when I couldn't tolerate the pain with Ibuprofen alone because it made me sick to my stomach. All the moving around I was doing Thursday. The pain flared up so I took one in between the early and late dinner with the nausea meds and it hit me hard infront of family. I got super drowsy and had to leave the get together earlier than we normally would have, so the next day (Friday) I was dealing with my overly concerned, anxiety ridden father, concerned that I was getting addicted to the opioids. (Thanks for the concern dad, I don't need the pills anymore.)

We declined an invite to my stepmothers side of the family due to the host literally demanding that unvaccinated guest bring evidence of a negative COVID test for entry. That was a fun phone call. I had not laughed that hard in a very long time. The family ultimately had to host it at someone else house. The original hosts were so mad at the unanimous family dissent that they refused to go to the alternative family get together. That's gonna leave a sore spot.

Saturday, My wife and I hosted my other grandmothers regular Thanksgiving at our house with the few family members on that side that wanted to come. Shes the one that just lost her husband to cancer last month. I am dumbfounded at that whole side of the family at this point. This grandmother used to be one of the most strict religious people I knew growing up. She went to college and graduated with bachelors in theology when I was younger. She was catholic and took us with her to church when she would keep us, but she didn't force it on others she seemed to do it for herself and seemed to try lead by example and I respected that about her. However her kids did not follow in her footsteps. My uncle is gay, turned by a man 15 years his senior when he was 17, My aunt has divorced 3 times, has a satanist daughter (my cousin) who got pregnant at 15 with her first child father unknown, knocked up by 2nd guy at 20 married him, had her third child 2 years later with him, then divorced him. She now lives with her lesbian partner in a trailer with her 3 teen-aged sons, the eldest of whom was shot in the head (survived) by someone trying to rob him while he was meeting them to sell used sneakers downtown in the middle of the night. My aunt just keeps on living in blissful disregard of the choices her and her daughter make and how the behavior they display effect those around them.

Tradition at Thanksgiving dinner has always been she blesses the meal. The last two years my grandmother, the once devout catholic has declined the responsibility to me. Maybe it was because I was hosting, I don't know. This year after I prayed over the meal my aunt made a very sacrilegious comment to my grandmother that I only caught a portion of and my grandmother just laughed and laughed. She took no offense to it at all, which I know to be far off from the woman I knew she used to be.

The best part about the whole weekend. While we were all sitting around talking and prepping dinner, a GOP solicitor for Ronna McDaniel called me, I answered the phone and the woman gave the usual spiel to which I replied, "I already have a modest monthly donation set up, and until the GOP files treason charges against all the traitors, I don't have anything on top of that." It made for a few awkward looks around the room, but damn did it feel good.

I fear for those who are willfully defiant. I weep for those who, through no fault of their own are subjected to the wickedness of this world. Though I am not directly effected by their misadventures and I am able to separate and buffer my own family from them in large part. I pray that they find God and learn about Jesus Christ. Even in their flaws I still have love for them, even though it is hard to bring my children anywhere near them due to the lifestyle they embrace.

God calls us to stand for truth and to have love for each other. During this time of uncertainty and confusion I pray that broken relationships are restored, new ones are formed, that the truth is revealed, and our Light prevails over darkness.

Thy will be done.

God will win.
