
Jun 29, 2021

Michigan Rep. Rendon Has Evidence Of Systemic Election Fraud

Brian Cates

I have read and considered the June 23 report titled ‘Report on the November 2020 Election in Michigan’ from the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee.

“The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee concluded their investigation without examining appropriate evidence, expert reports or requesting testimony from qualified experts. The report concludes that there was ‘no widespread or systematic fraud in Michigan’s execution of the 2020 election.’ And yet, the Oversight Committee Chair stated in his executive summary that ‘this investigation should not be considered exhaustive’ and that ‘every possible investigative avenue was not undertaken’.”

“I am in receipt of evidence reflecting systematic election fraud in Michigan that occurred in the November 2020 election.

“Many Michigan voters believe that the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee’s conclusion was formed without a proper investigation, and so I encourage attorneys in Michigan and beyond to pursue legal avenues that will reveal truth and transparency to the citizens of the United States.”


75 page complaint filed
