
Oct 13, 2021

Michigan Rally Demanding Forensic Audit - 10/12/2021

Patriots gather at the capitol in Lansing, MI to call for a full forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election

pulling clips right now while feeds are still available stand by

Matt Deperno

Liz Harris

Ivan Raiklin

Jacky Eubanks

Jacky Eubanks - Michgan Audit the Vote Rally

24 years old Candidate for State Representative

Leading a Canvassing Effort

"We are the sovereigns in this nation, but the elites don't like that."

-Dominion contracts Dem operative

-Prop 3 Lax Vote Rules

-Leaked emails show Jocelyn Benson added 800,000

500,000 returned ballots back to SOS Benson office.

I worked my ass off to get President Trump elected and they stole it from him...(very relatable)

FOIA'd the clerks office records of absentee ballot voters in 2021, major anomalies, with affidavits attesting to found irregularities,

Get involved in canvassing

Politicians are accountable to dark money

Calls for a National Strike to take power from the elite.

Starts dropping deep level redpills.

Fight now with your voice or prepare to fight for your lives.


John Riley
